Friday, October 15, 2010

Bill O'Reilly - Bigot

I saw a clip of ABC’s “The View” from yesterday online. They had Bill O’Reilly as a guest. He began pushing his right wing, delusional, and narrow minded banter. After a while, two of the hosts, Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg got up and left the stage.

What spurred the retreat was O’Reilly claiming that President Obama’s poll numbers dipped because he stated that developers had a right to build a mosque at the Ground Zero site. O’Reilly then began to spout his usual acerbic venom and again show how much of a moron he really is. After inferring that the mosque should not be at the site, he presumed to claim that polls indicate that most Americans disapprove of the site. When he was challenged to produce the numbers to substantiate his claim, he fell short. Finally he let rip that it was Muslims who attacked us on September 11th. Attempts to correct him; that it was in fact Muslim extremists, who were behind the attacks, fell on deaf ears. O’Reilly would hear none of it.

Granted, I only saw the brief clip, but I’ve heard O’Reilly’s rants before. He and his co-hort Glen Beck seem to be the epitome of idiocy. They spout their vitriol on Fox News Network, what I often call the “Republican Network”. They often get their facts wrong and decry anything associated with liberalism, even more conservative views on the left. And when someone tries to disagree with them or set them straight, they talk over them and belittle them.

I don’t think that either man is capable of adult discourse or equitable debate. Instead of bemoaning people of other cultures, beliefs, orientations or backgrounds, they should embrace the uniqueness that makes America the great nation that it is. Hey Bill and Glen! Embrace the wonderful unique world. It’s the 21st century, guys! Grow up!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I guess MSNBC and CNN give you the WHOLE truth and Fox News is all lies? Right?? Keep drinking the Kool Aid!