Saturday, November 7, 2009

Still Holding Out Hope

Another election and another governor. Didn't like the old one and don't expect I'll like the new one. None of them have ever fulfilled a single campaign promise. One should be a bit lax in this requisite as candidates in any race tend to promise the world during the campaign but are prone to the force and wills of other parties in government that hamper and impede the progress they hope to implement.

The problem that occurs to me is the complete disregard of the entire government to bring us out of this deep economic depression. It's as if no one truly wants the economy to recover. Or could it be that the rich and impressionable don't like the idea of competition?

I still hold hope, though, that a people deserving of a better future, can impose their will some way and make that future come about. I can only give Christie the chance to prove himself. But with so many people making so many broken promises, I am thinking his chances are very few.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Summer of '09

Seems that another summer season has come and gone. The season is too short. Missing already the opportunity to hang out late, enjoy cookouts and lounge by the beach of the lake. Seems like it will be so long before I get to enjoy those things again.

Already people are wearing long pants and long sleeves complaining about how cold it is. I don't understand how after Labor Day everyone's blood goes thin. They automatically think winter! I want to hold on to summer just a bit longer.

I hopefully will start classes to earn my certificates in computer programming and web design this month. I hope I do well. I may get to have a better job and a better way of life when I'm done. Plus, I'll be doing something I love.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Out of the Frying Pan . . . .

Just when you think it can't get any worse, your temp assignment ends at a place that you love to work. I have a new possiblity lined up, but it's like 50 miles away! This sucks. Maybe I need to get out of the insurance industry. Anyone know of a need for a detective, scientist, computer geek?

Friday, June 26, 2009

Nearing The Last Straw

Things not going so well in the wallet dept. It seems that whenever I take 2 steps forward I take a dozen back. I hope things start to work better or things are going to go downhill rather quickly.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

May Fair on Memorial Day Weekend

Went to the in-laws on Saturday. Actually, it's something I enjoy, believe it or not. They live in Collingswood where every year they have the May Fair. It's this grand celebration smack in the middle of their Main Street. All down the Avenue there are rides and kiosks and food stands. Never had so many good tastes and smells besmerch my senses before. Had a crabcake sandwich which was outstanding!

It was a great day had by one and all. Especially me and Emily. There was a kiosk where you throw a small ping-pong ball into small goldfish bowls. You get three tries to win the goldfish inside. Kelley tried and failed. I got up, and after waiting forever, got one on the first try! I failed on the last two, but oh well!

Now Emily has two goldfish, Nemo and Tally. They are the "new" thing. I have to admit, I'm into them, too.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Saw Star Trek

I got to see the new Star Trek movie on Saturday afternoon. I was so excited to see it, I was actually giddy.

Now right off the bat I have to get something off my chest. I am a die-hard Trekkie. I grew up on it, I read it, watched it and breated it. Of course, watching this prequel film, I was a little critical. I didn't find any inaccuracies, per say. But what I did find was that the time line had been screwed with. This was, apparently, part of the premise in the movie. There were some things that happened during the course of the story that could amount to pure heresey in the Star Trek universe. Romulans weren't seen until the episode Balance of Terror and Kirk had a long career in Starfleet prior to taking command of the Enterprise. There is so much more, but to list it all would be to ruin the movie for those of you that haven't seen it yet. I hope that JJ Abrams is planning on making another where the crew puts the time line back. They can't leave it like they did.

All that being said, YOU HAVE TO SEE THIS MOVIE!

The story is awesome! The special effects are amazing! The cast was great! This is a movie that everyone should see. It's a wild action hit. You really want to root for these guys. It's edge of your seat excitement and Star Trek at it's wittiest and best! A great story and the right actors to play the roles. This is a movie I will buy as soon as it comes out on DVD.

Long Live Star Trek!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

My Future

I am worried. I really enjoy where I work. I can see myself working there for many many years. I like the people I work with. They make the day tolerable. But when I went to HR and tried to let on that I was interested in becoming a permenant employee, I was told that the prospects of the company hiring permenant people is slim. My heart sank. It meant that not only is the possibility of my becoming a full employee nearly nil, but that I may not be there too much longer as there is a rumor that as the old staff gets dwindled to planned levels, they may not even stay at the same location. I don't know where, or if, they would move. It just seems like again the rug is being pulled out from underneath me.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

My Own Worst Nightmare

I spend so much time worrying about my little girl and her speach difficulties. Today I had an episode of my own. Work got very hectic today. All the morons out in the snow for no reason at all. One guy runs over a tree - yes a whole tree! Claims he didn't see it with all the snow. How can you not see a fuckin' tree!

Anyway, I got a little over-zealous, as I am wont to do. Nothing major, but I had to address one claim to my managers and I was so eager to get all the information out that I was stuttering and stumbling over myself. I had a tough time finding the right things to say to verbally organize my thoughts and convey them to people in authority over me. I felt like such an ass!

It got me thinking tonite as my daughter was physically trying to force the words out. How can I really help her when I have yet to help myself?

Thursday, February 26, 2009


Look at this face. You can see why it pains me that this little girl's mind races so quickly that her mouth just can't keep up. She has a very bad stutter. It has gotten noticeably worse; and she is embarrassed by it. She gets very upset by her inability to get out simple comments to her mom and I. She knows when others notice it, too. It drives her mom close to tears and I worry that it will be severely hurt her self-esteem. I can only love her only like a daddy can. I hope that soon the whole episode will be a distant memory.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

My Wish List


Electronic Reader



Physics Books


Computer Stuff

Star Trek Stuff

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


I know there are those out there who try to reach me. Since I like to speak to people from all over, it's hard for me to focus on a specific time. For those who know about Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), or UTC as it is now known, this is the time zone that I would like to use when trying to pin down chat or even just to refer to something that has happened during the day. It is usually denoted by the term "zulu time" and seems to be a fairly easy way to fix a confusing dilemma.

Little Bobby

Little Bobby got screwed again. Another item gets returned to whence it came. She says that it can be added to the "wish list"; as in, when the Sun burns out and the Earth is a charred cinder. And there is only that particular "one" that will do. Well, Little Bobby has decided to put a little away and get it then. And, Little Bobby doesn't give a shit.

Let us not forget how stupid, selfish, inconsiderate and petty Little Bobby is. Nothing that is done is good enough or done right. Little Bobby's head is full of stress to the point that it boils over like a kettle left to heat for far too long. No relief in sight and no help from the outside.

True love sits on the precipice of oblivion. Is there such a thing as true love? Possibly, but it is clear that Little Bobby is undeserving. Love from friends? Little Bobby is not permitted to have any. Love from family? Alas, the fear of it being ripped away.

What cruel fate is it that makes the simple so complicated. The feeble minded seem so brazen in their opinions. The soul is stained black with all the circumspection.

Let me sleep a long sleep. Let me dream of better days. Let me enter the next life secure in the knowledge that, in this life, I tried.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Work So Far

Things are going well for me so far. I'm hoping that it will last more than a simple temporary position. I like the people I work with there. I seem to fit in and I think I'm helping. I know I would like to spend more time there.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

In Mormoriam

In Loving Memory of theFirst Lady of Star Trek
February 23, 1932 - December 18, 2008

You will be missed.

Friday, January 2, 2009

NEW YEAR - 2009!

The new year is upon us. What new experiences will it bring. I started my new job a few weeks ago and it is going great. I hope it lasts as it is a temporary position right now. All things in their due time, I suppose. I guess I'll just have to wait to see what 2009 holds.