Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Saw Star Trek

I got to see the new Star Trek movie on Saturday afternoon. I was so excited to see it, I was actually giddy.

Now right off the bat I have to get something off my chest. I am a die-hard Trekkie. I grew up on it, I read it, watched it and breated it. Of course, watching this prequel film, I was a little critical. I didn't find any inaccuracies, per say. But what I did find was that the time line had been screwed with. This was, apparently, part of the premise in the movie. There were some things that happened during the course of the story that could amount to pure heresey in the Star Trek universe. Romulans weren't seen until the episode Balance of Terror and Kirk had a long career in Starfleet prior to taking command of the Enterprise. There is so much more, but to list it all would be to ruin the movie for those of you that haven't seen it yet. I hope that JJ Abrams is planning on making another where the crew puts the time line back. They can't leave it like they did.

All that being said, YOU HAVE TO SEE THIS MOVIE!

The story is awesome! The special effects are amazing! The cast was great! This is a movie that everyone should see. It's a wild action hit. You really want to root for these guys. It's edge of your seat excitement and Star Trek at it's wittiest and best! A great story and the right actors to play the roles. This is a movie I will buy as soon as it comes out on DVD.

Long Live Star Trek!

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