Thursday, May 28, 2009

May Fair on Memorial Day Weekend

Went to the in-laws on Saturday. Actually, it's something I enjoy, believe it or not. They live in Collingswood where every year they have the May Fair. It's this grand celebration smack in the middle of their Main Street. All down the Avenue there are rides and kiosks and food stands. Never had so many good tastes and smells besmerch my senses before. Had a crabcake sandwich which was outstanding!

It was a great day had by one and all. Especially me and Emily. There was a kiosk where you throw a small ping-pong ball into small goldfish bowls. You get three tries to win the goldfish inside. Kelley tried and failed. I got up, and after waiting forever, got one on the first try! I failed on the last two, but oh well!

Now Emily has two goldfish, Nemo and Tally. They are the "new" thing. I have to admit, I'm into them, too.

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