Tuesday, March 3, 2009

My Own Worst Nightmare

I spend so much time worrying about my little girl and her speach difficulties. Today I had an episode of my own. Work got very hectic today. All the morons out in the snow for no reason at all. One guy runs over a tree - yes a whole tree! Claims he didn't see it with all the snow. How can you not see a fuckin' tree!

Anyway, I got a little over-zealous, as I am wont to do. Nothing major, but I had to address one claim to my managers and I was so eager to get all the information out that I was stuttering and stumbling over myself. I had a tough time finding the right things to say to verbally organize my thoughts and convey them to people in authority over me. I felt like such an ass!

It got me thinking tonite as my daughter was physically trying to force the words out. How can I really help her when I have yet to help myself?

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