Wednesday, August 20, 2008


It has been 20 years. Twenty long years. Everyone loses someone at some time. But there are always those that cut you to the core. This is one of those.

She has always been my beacon and my guide. She was my protector, my mentor and my role model. She lived through the depression, WWII, raised 7 children in a home smaller than one built for a family of 3. She helped raise over a dozen grandchildren (me among them) and did it all with only one arm.

My grandmother was a person you didn't cross, but also someone you looked up to. She seemed to have all the answers.

When she got sick, all she wanted was to come home. To be with her family. Sadly, this was not to be.

But for nearly all of those 20 years on this date, I go to visit her and tell her what has been happening in my life. Twenty years and I am still trying to earn her approval. I hope that I can measure up to her memory. Not that I need try. I am my grandmother's grandson. That's important to me. Her blood runs through my veins and, hopefully, a piece of her.

We all need someone like that. Someone we build up to almost mythic proportions. A person to aspire to be like for the altruistic qualities you remember them for.

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