Friday, April 16, 2010

Booting Up the In-Laws

It finally happened. My in-laws finally got their first computer. And they entrusted me with helping them choose the one that was right for them.

This happened several weeks ago. Took my father-in-law down to the store and showed him several models, including the one I thought would be best for him. I let him play with it a bit, something I think is important as he would be the one who would have to work and live with it for the length of its life. We decided a laptop would be best for them and he seemed to take to the track pad well.

To say that my in-laws are computer illiterate is an understatement. They would be the first to agree. I think my father-in-law has difficulty with most pieces of technology. But that’s okay. He comes to me to explain things as best as I can or, at least, set it all up so that it works.

I felt real good when he asked me to hook him up with the computer. I understood that it was still a large responsibility. Not just that I was placing my still budding rep on the line, but because we do so much on our computers, I could cause some real problems choosing the wrong equipment and setting it up incorrectly. Not to mention the money they put down.

What made me feel even better was when I was talking to the sales rep about what I wanted to set him up with, my father-in-law said that it sounded like we were speaking in a foreign language. He said he was impressed by the fact that I kept pace with the sales guy and in no time we had the computer, router, anti-virus software and a system back-up.

And that wasn’t the end of it! I explained as best I could how to order the broadband connection from his cable company. Then the first weekend I could get down there, I set up his email accounts. Was going to set up some other systems for him, but he had to tear me away so that I could enjoy myself a little.

Still, whenever they have a question or a problem, I’m the one they call. I’ve helped them through a few rough patches and, when I couldn’t, pointed them in the right direction. Maybe there is something to this computer thing for me after all. I really enjoy it. I hope that I’ve been of some help. Maybe they will recommend me to others. I know I’m ready and willing to help when I can. Makes me feel like I have contributed to someone’s education, productivity, and entertainment.

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