Friday, July 25, 2008

My Own Hero

Growing up, as most of us do, I wondered what kind of adult I would grow up to be. I had my hopes and dreams. I knew I would never have superpowers or anything like that.
But I did feel like I had a purpose. An altogether altruistic purpose. I had to stand for the oppressed and those in need. Treat everyone as an equal, a fellow Terran on this green/blue globe. To unite people with common goals for the common good.
I don't know if I have, or ever will, succeed in these lofty goals. Sometimes I feel like failure; and somtimes I feel like a success. I try to keep my sanity in an insane world. I see the future as a bright place full of hope. No matter how grim things get, I know I can always hold onto that.
I decided long ago to be my own kind of hero. I decided not to fashion my actions and thoughts on what I felt others expected of me. I don't live my life in the hopes of some immortal salvation. I live by one rule: Live as well as you can and help when you can; lead a good and honorable life. If this is unexceptable, then I will live with the ramifications. At least I know I gave it my all and did my best.

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