Friday, July 25, 2008


Want me to post your pics? Want me to send a shout out on you b-day or commemorate a special moment in your life? Let me know. I try not to post photos or personal information about my friends without their consent. Just email me!

My Own Hero

Growing up, as most of us do, I wondered what kind of adult I would grow up to be. I had my hopes and dreams. I knew I would never have superpowers or anything like that.
But I did feel like I had a purpose. An altogether altruistic purpose. I had to stand for the oppressed and those in need. Treat everyone as an equal, a fellow Terran on this green/blue globe. To unite people with common goals for the common good.
I don't know if I have, or ever will, succeed in these lofty goals. Sometimes I feel like failure; and somtimes I feel like a success. I try to keep my sanity in an insane world. I see the future as a bright place full of hope. No matter how grim things get, I know I can always hold onto that.
I decided long ago to be my own kind of hero. I decided not to fashion my actions and thoughts on what I felt others expected of me. I don't live my life in the hopes of some immortal salvation. I live by one rule: Live as well as you can and help when you can; lead a good and honorable life. If this is unexceptable, then I will live with the ramifications. At least I know I gave it my all and did my best.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Blogging, Friends and Friends

I have had this account for some time. I just never really knew what to put in it. I have a friend who also has a blog here that gave me some inspiration and the nerve to put thoughts into words. Thanks, Iulia.
Anyone who knows me knows that I have a very vivid imagination, apt mind and lots of emotion. This space gives me the chance to try to put into words how I am feeling, points I want to make and ideas I want to share. It is a chance to express myself in an open forum. This is especially important as there are family and friends that I do not get a chance to see as often as I would like. And sometimes it is easier to write down my thoughts than saying them in person.
I have a great family. I love my family. I have a great wife who loves me no matter what and a little girl who amazes me each and every day. I try to devote as much as I can to my family, including my mother, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles and cousins. Sometimes I don't succeed. They are always in my heart, though, even if I don't express it as much as I should. My father-in-law is someone I especially wish I could express myself better to. I think he and I share so many things and interests in common. Just like fathers and sons, though, it's hard to get into talks about how much we mean to each other. Ever since my dad passed, he has been like my own dad. He has always been there no matter what. I look forward to spending Super Bowl Sunday and our yearly Father's Day Phillies game together.
I miss my dad. I wish he was around to see what I have done and am doing. I think there is quite a bit of him in me. I feel that I never really appreciated him until he was gone and I didn't have his influence anymore. I think it's important to tell people how you feel about them while we have the chance.
My friends are like family to me. I don't really think I can make anyone realize how much my friends mean to me. I don't throw that word around casually. I have acquaintances and people I associate with. But I think when I label a person my friend, it means something. And I don't play favorites as I know that sometimes some people may not get along. I love each of my friends for who they are. I appreciate them for how they make me feel, not for what they do for me. Laura & Walter, Ryan & Steph, Ralph, Steve, Jen & John. These are people I count on. And I try to make friends whenever I can. Lory, Iulia, Claire, PJ, Chris, Deea, Irina, Simona, Maria, Elena, Ocky, Mary, Rose, Iris, Dave, Anna, Lily, Anela, Kim, Lu, Diana, Magdalena, Mona (awesome artist!), Catalina, Noemi and more. If I invite you to read this blog, I hold a special place for you in my heart.
I hope to cover many things here. Anything my mind dreams up. I may write about my day. Give a shout out to someone. I will definitely post lots of science, especially if I read about something that peaks my interest. I am a huge Philadelphia sports fan so be prepared for my ravings on the Eagles (Go Birds!), Phillies, Sixers and Flyers. Even though I was not privileged to serve, I am big on the United States Navy (thanks Dad). I also have a fondness for the United States Marine Corp. (Semper Fi, Little Brother). I may even bring in my love of Star Trek. I hope this helps me express myself better. I hope people understand me better. I also hope that I can bring some smiles or knowledge to my friends and family.
We'll see.